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9 Steps in Finding Your Dream Job in 2022

9 Steps in Finding Your Dream Job in 2022

Let’s face it, job hunting in these times is very challenging in so many ways. Let alone adding the fact that almost everything has to happen online. We all want to find our dream job but for some people, it can be a little tougher because of the circumstances and...
5 Things to Consider in Writing a Good CV

5 Things to Consider in Writing a Good CV

A well-written Curriculum Vitae or resume boosts your possibility of getting a new job opportunity in the Philippines. This is done by placing relevant information that can help you land a job. This information includes your educational background and achievements, as...
Tips on How to Prepare for a Virtual Career Fair

Tips on How to Prepare for a Virtual Career Fair

Since the global crisis started, virtual activities have become the new normal for people most especially for career hunters. Online job fairs are among the best options to grab your dream job. Virtual career fairs are just like the traditional ones, where employers...
How to Get a Job Right Out of College

How to Get a Job Right Out of College

How to Get a Job Right Out of College As a fresh graduate looking for your first big opportunity, it’s not an easy task to land a job as soon as you receive your diploma. Fact is many young and aspiring professionals struggle to land an opportunity for different...
9 Reasons to Land BPO Opportunities

9 Reasons to Land BPO Opportunities

9 Reasons to Land BPO Opportunities The world is getting more competitive as the day passes by. Local and BPO are striving to land talents with experiences and knowledge in their chosen fields. However, applicants are no longer looking for just short-term jobs but for...
Projected In-Demand Jobs in 2022

Projected In-Demand Jobs in 2022

Projected In-Demand Jobs in 2022 The rise of technology has given birth to various jobs but also put an end to many others. Today, many jobs have shifted and continually shifts to optimise the convenience and advancements technology has to offer. The evident shift...
Why Fresh Graduates Fail to Land a Job

Why Fresh Graduates Fail to Land a Job

Why Fresh Graduates Fail to Land a Job Employment is the main goal of many college and university graduates. In an ideal world, fresh graduates land jobs that suit them best right after college. In reality, young jobseekers struggle to land entry-level opportunities...
The Know Hows in Attending a Job Fair

The Know Hows in Attending a Job Fair

The Know Hows in Attending a Job Fair A job fair is an event where applicants find employment vacancies aside from online job listings. Career fairs open great opportunities for applicants to meet and network with multiple recruiters from different companies. There...
How to Clean Up Social Media to Land a Job

How to Clean Up Social Media to Land a Job

How to Clean Up Social Media to Land a Job Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have become an outlet for many. Rants, photos, and irrelevant status updates are the usual posts on these social sites. However, aside from family and friends, hiring managers...
How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation

How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation

How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation There are many ways to stand out as an applicant — update your CV, dress appropriately, and prepare to ace your job interview. But most applicants are already doing these. What else can you do to stand out? Three words: Letter...
How to Determine Your Salary Range

How to Determine Your Salary Range

How to Determine Your Salary Range The discussion involving salary has always been a sensitive topic. It is never easy to approach the subject matter in front of recruiters or employers. The norm for applicants is to bring up any compensation-related matters at the...